A-Z Info
‘Growing a community of lifelong learners within our classroom, our rural environment and in life.’
'Te tipu i te hapori o nga akonga ako-roa i roto i to taatau akomanga, to taiao me to tatou oranga.’
Parents are asked to phone the school if their child is sick or absent. We try to be extra vigilant about absences – any unexplained absences will be followed up with a phone call before 9.30am. One of the school requirements is that we record the reasoning of an absence. For example the office needs to know if it is sickness, bereavement or holiday etc.
It is important that you contact the school, if your child has other arrangements for travelling home, prior to 12:45pm that day as the office isn’t always attended in the afternoons. The answer phone is checked in the afternoons at 2:45pm in case of emergencies.
General Rule: If the school has not heard from parents, the child will travel home the usual way.
We appreciate parents being pro-active and keeping their child at home if they are sick. This prevents any infection spreading to others.
Any child injured or feeling unwell at school will be sent to the Sick Bay.
The following procedures are followed if a child is to be sent home:
Parents are phoned and arrangements made for the child to be collected.
If parents can not be contacted, the emergency contact person will be phoned.
For situations where no adults can be contacted, the child will remain in the sick bay until contact is made. If a child requires the attention of a doctor, parents will be notified and prompt action will be taken.
Any child with an infectious or contagious disease should be kept home for the required time – The principal will enforce this to protect the welfare of others in the school.
We ask for parents’ co-operation in not sending unwell children to school
Value Assemblies
Value Assemblies take place fortnightly on Monday afternoons at 2.15pm . This is an opportunity for teachers to give out school notices, and is a time to celebrate students work and achievements. Please come along and enjoy this time with the children when you can.
Communication with the School
At Mataroa School we welcome and encourage parents to come in and communicate with their child’s teacher. We have an open door policy, therefore parents are welcome to visit the school and view their child in their learning environment. If parents would like to discuss their child’s progress further, teachers are very happy to do this. Please contact the school and arrange a time to meet with them.
We enjoy having a cup of tea with parents during interval and lunchtime!
Health Problems / Medication
Please notify the school of any problems that your child may have– allergies, hearing, sight etc and medication that they may be on. If a child requires medication to be administered periodically for a short period of time (no longer than a week), such as an antibiotic, the parent or caregiver must make written contact via email or hand delivery with the Principal or the school office before 9am to inform us that the child has medication on them. The exact dose and time of medication to be given to the child must be provided by the parent/caregiver. The time and amount of any previous doses should also be included in the request to the Principal. Principal may delegate administration to another staff member. Staff member will ensure medication goes home with the child each day.
All students are expected to read every school night for at least 20 minutes. The junior room class are assigned with a reading log book which is to be filled in on a daily basis by parents once their child has read their assigned book for the night. Times-tables and Spelling are important and need continual work. Research topics, spare time activities and maths exercises could also be expected particularly for senior students. Any issues or concerns over homework should be discussed with the teachers as soon as practical.
Primary Technology Programme (PTP or manual)
PTP is for our Year 7&8 students only. Children travel into Taihape Area School for this Programme. It is run over a 9 week period during two terms of the year– term 1 and term 3.
School Goals
1. To provide quality teaching to ensure all students reach their full potential
2. All students will be supported to achieve at or above NS in Literacy and Numeracy.
3. Provide a safe yet challenging environment where student achievement and well-being are fostered
4. Sustain the school as a two teacher learning environment.
5. Through quality partnerships and relationships ensure our school is the heart of our community.
School Hours/Timetable
The school is officially open for 384 half days.
8.50 am- School begins
10:05am - 10:25 am Morning Tea Break
11:35am-12:15 am Lunch break
1:15pm - 1:35 pm Afternoon Playtime
2.50pm School finishes
School Library
The school has a fantastic library with over 2000 books which are continually being updated and restocked. Classes are allocated library time each week which gives students the opportunity to borrow books. Like all school property, the children are expected to respect the library and the books. Reparation may be sought from parents or caregivers if books are lost or damaged during issue.
School Uniforms
Mataroa School have a school uniform. It is an expectation that pupils wear these uniforms to all sporting excursions and any other school excursion outside of the school grounds. Please contact the school office for more details.
Current price list: School Fleece $35.00
School Polo shirt $25.00
Sun smart
During the heat of summer (terms 1 & 4 usually!) the staff ensure that pupils are wearing a hat whilst exposed to the sun. Pupils are directed to a shady area if not wearing a Sun Smart hat. We urge parents to apply sun-block to their child in the morning before school. If needed sun-screen in available at school to apply later in the day.
Mataroa School 2021