The Mataroa School Board 


‘Growing a community of lifelong learners within our classroom, our rural environment and in life.’

'Te tipu i te hapori o nga akonga ako-roa i roto i to taatau akomanga, to taiao me to tatou oranga.’

The board is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the school's performance. It emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school, and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements. Policies are at governance level and outline clear delegations to the principal. 

The board and principal form the leadership team with the role of each documented and understood. The principal reports to the board as a whole, with committees used sparingly and only when a need is identified in order to contribute to board work. 

The board is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision making and does not involve itself in the administrative details of the day to day running of the school. The board is encouraged to ask the right questions. Enhancing student achievement is its focus. 

Mataroa School Board Members

Presiding Member          Nick Bodley

Principal                            Te Whaiwhaia Ritchie

 Treasurer                         Brenda Devane       

Secretary                            Tania Spicer

Staff Representative         Christa Farrell

Property                             Morgan Mallalieu

Health and Safety             Morgan Mallalieu

Natasha O’Brien 



Our School Policies & Procedures are all housed on School Docs.

If you would like access to these, please log on with the following details:

Community username    mataroa

Community password     tui

Mataroa School 2017