Our Vision


‘Growing a community of lifelong learners within our classroom, our rural environment and in life.’

'Te tipu i te hapori o nga akonga ako-roa i roto i to taatau akomanga, to taiao me to tatou oranga.’

Strategic Aims:

Aim 1:  Learning/Teaching - To provide quality teaching to ensure all students reach their full potential.

Aim 2:  National Standards - All students will be supported to achieve at or above NS in Literacy and Numeracy.

Aim 3:  Environment - To provide a safe yet challenging environment where student achievement and well-being are fostered.

Aim 4: Sustainability - To sustain the school as a two-three teacher learning environment.

Aim 5:  Community - Through quality partnerships and relationships ensure our school is the heart of our community. 

Our Values

(CRC helps our school to run smoothly)

C - Community

R - Respect

C - Curiosity   

Mataroa School 2018


 2022 Charter 

ERO  Mataroa School | Education Review Office (ero.govt.nz) 

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